Sing a Song
Sing to the tune of Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star
Wear your helmet every ride,
With a grown-up by your side!
A shirt that's light or bright is fine
Maybe yellow just like mine!
You may want a nice, bright vest
One that's red or orange is best!
To guard your tootsies you should use
Heavy socks and sturdy shoes!
These safety clothes are good to wear
So drivers see that you are there!
Wear your helmet every ride,
With a grown-up by your side!
Bicycle Safer Journey
Try This!
Have your child earn a “driver’s license” for their bicycle. Make them take a test (include parking, locking up, putting on helmet) and go for a ride with them. After they pass their test, take their picture and create a license. You can laminate it to make it more authentic.
Books to Check Out from the Library
- Duck on a bike by David Shannon
- Froggy rides a bike by Jonathan London; illustrated by Frank Remkiewicz
- Bicycle riding by Tracy Nelson Maurer