February 24

Sing a Song

The Life of a Butterfly

Here’s a song you can sing about a butterfly. Tune: Skip To My Lou

I'm a caterpillar, wiggle with me,
I'm a caterpillar, wiggle with me,
I'm a caterpillar, wiggle with me,
What'll I be, my darlin'?

A chrysalis, now sleep like me,
A chrysalis, now sleep like me,
A chrysalis, now sleep like me,
What'll I be, my darlin'?

A butterfly, come fly with me,
A butterfly, come fly with me,
A butterfly, come fly with me,
What'll I be, my darlin'?

Now all together, let's do all 3 three.

A caterpillar, a chrysalis,
A butterfly - three.
Move your body like this with me.
The life of a butterfly, darlin'.


Make a violet flower!

Try This!

Today’s color is purple. Can you make a butterfly out of shades of purple? Try making different shades of purple paint and then paint butterflies.


Butterflies can have the color violet on them. Learning about butterflies in A Butterfly is Patient by Dianna Hutts Aston.

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