Science Day!
Teach your child about the four seasons. Help them learn the names of each one and what it looks like as the seasons change.
Talk about rainy weather and show your child how to use an umbrella. Practice saying and spelling the word umbrella.

Take a Walk Outside
See what you can find to count: sticks, petals of flowers that have fallen, leaves, or acorns. Can you see any signs of springs?
It’s March into Literacy Month
Practice your marching to The Ants Go Marching.
Mother Goose Time!
Rain, rain, go away,
Come again another day,
Little Johnny wants to play.
Rain, rain, go to Spain.
Never show your face again.
You can also use child’s name and make up hand motions!
Make a picture of your family or friends and what you can do outside in the summer. Draw them, color them, or cut pictures from magazines.
Visit Your Library!
Pick out some books about the four seasons: Summer, Winter, Fall and Spring!

Talk about daylight saving times and why we "spring ahead" an hour. Have your child help you change your clocks.

Sing a Song of Spring!
Tune: Twinkle, Twinkle
Spring, spring is coming soon,
Grass is green and flowers bloom.
Birds returning from the south,
Bees are buzzing all about.
Leaves are budding everywhere
Spring, spring is finally here!
It’s Youth Art Month.
Create your own piece of art and display it in your home!
Pretend it’s winter and drink your favorite warm drink. Talk about what fun things you did over winter. Make paper snowflakes with scissors and folded paper!
Mother Goose Time!
The Itsy Bitsy Spider
Climbed up the water spout.
Down came the rain and
washed the spider out!
out came the sun and dried up all the rain
and the itsy bitsy spider
climbed up the spout again!
Pretend to be falling leaves!
Talk about why leaves fall off the trees.

Theodore Seuss Geisel was born March 2nd, 1904.
Practice rhyming words of items you find around the house.
Help your child pick out something green to wear. Spend some time talking about shamrocks and things that are connected to St. Patrick’s Day. If you can, go outside and look for a four-leaf clover!
Science Day!
Talk about how some animals migrate south for the winter. Explain south by showing your child on a map or globe.
Mother Goose Time!
It’s raining,
It’s pouring.
The old man is snoring,
He went to bed with a cold in his head,
And didn’t get up ‘til the morning.
Try to have a picnic today at a local park, in your yard, or even inside your house!
What season do frogs like? What about butterflies? Pretend to be a frog and a butterfly!
Spend some time talking about healthy foods. What is your favorite seasonal food?

Bath Time!
Have some fun in the bath. You can talk about all the fun things to do in the water. Make up your own songs about being in the water.
Talk about the different clothes you wear each season. Do animals wear clothes? What is your favorite furry animal and why?
Mother Goose Time!
Jack be nimble, Jack be quick, Jack jumped over the candlestick!
Use a paper towel roll, or imagine a candle stick on the ground. Have your child jump over the "candlestick."
Talk about how the weather changes each season.

Science Day!
Soak a cotton ball with water and put a popcorn kernel in it. Place it in a paper cup and cover with plastic wrap. Secure with rubber band. Put it in a window where it will get sun. Check every day to see if the seed has sprouted. Talk about how plants grow.
Say a word and have your child tell you the opposite (big, small, happy, sad).
Draw a picture of a tree as it goes through all four seasons.
Draw a picture of your favorite season. Share why it is your favorite. What is your favorite activity to do in that season?

Find things that are red, orange or yellow, like leaves in the fall.
Kite Day!
Make a mini kite with paper, popsicle sticks, and string. Use different colors and tape them to your window. How do you think a kite works? Read Kite Day with your child!

Trace the hands of those in the home to make the outline of mittens. Color them all different colors!
Practice jumping and hopping on one foot. Create a rhyme as you hop and jump.
Play Simon Says
Take turns with your child.
Mother Goose Time!
Higglety pigglety pop,
The dog has eaten the mop!
The pig’s in a hurry,
The cat’s in a flurry,
Higglety, pigglety, pop!
Music in Our Schools Month.
Make up a song about going to school!