York County

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Public Library Information

Check out your local public library for books, videos, age-appropriate story times, and other exciting family-oriented events and opportunities!

York County Library
138 East Black Street
Rock Hill, SC 29730
Phone: (803) 981-5858

Clover Public Library
107 Knox St.
Clover, SC 29710
Phone: (803) 222-3474

Fort Mill Public Library
1818 Second Baxter Crossing
Fort Mill, SC 29708
Phone: (803) 547-4114

Lake Wylie Public Library
185 Blucher Circle
Lake Wylie, SC 29710
Phone: (803) 831-7774

York Public Library
21 East Liberty Street
York, SC 29745
Phone: (803) 684-3751

Family-Friendly Festivals

Festivals and other events are great ways to get out of the house and discover something new!

Rock Hill


Family-Friendly Parks and Places

Parks are perfect for getting outside, staying fit and healthy, and enjoying the natural world near you.

Glencairn Garden
725 Crest Street
Rock Hill, SC 29730
Phone: (803) 329-5620

Kings Mountain State Park
1277 Park RD
Blacksburg,SC 29702
Phone: (803) 222-3209

Main Street Children’s Museum
133 E. Main Street
Rock Hill, SC 29730

River Park
1782 Quality Circle
Rock Hill, SC 29730
Phone: (803) 329-5620