September 24

Sing a Song

ABC Phonics Parade

Apple, Apple, A, a, a,
Bear, Bear, B, b, b,
Cat, Cat, C, c, c,
Dog, Dog, D, d, d,
Elephant, Elephant, E, e, e,
Fish, Fish, F, f, f,
Gate, Gate, G, g, g,
Hat, Hat, H, h, h,
Igloo, Igloo, I, i, i,
Jack-in-the-box, Jack-in-the-box, J, j, j,
Kite, Kite, K, k, k,
Leaf, Leaf, L, l, l,
Moon, Moon, M, m, m,
Nest, Nest, N, n, n,
Octopus, Octopus, O, o, o,
Pig, Pig, P, p, p,
Queen, Queen, Qu, qu, qu,
Ring, Ring, R, r, r,
Sun, Sun, S, s, s,
Turtle, Turtle, T, t, t,
Umbrella, Umbrella, U, u, u,
Vacuum, Vacuum, V, v, v,
Window, Window, W, w, w,
X-ray, X-ray, X, x, x,
Yo-yo, Yo-yo, Y, y, y,
Zipper, Zipper, Z, z, z!


Sesame Street: John Leguizamo Is Captain Vegetable

Try This!

V is for Vegetables
Name a vegetable that starts with each letter of the alphabet.


Bebe Goes Shopping by Susan Middleton Elya; illustrated by Steven Salerno

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